Our Story

Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Discover the eclectic mix of locally-made products, art supplies and antiques inside the historic but remodeled Lind Chevrolet Garage building circa 1920 — back when the streets were mud and tweets were reserved for the birds.
We got our start in 2008, when Colorado native and art quilter Jill Terrill took the entrepreneurial plunge. A Maker since childhood, she had a vision to supply supplemental income to residents of Cook County by offering them a setting in which to sell their creations. We support the business growth of our vendors by mentoring them on pricing, packaging, inventory management and diversification of their products. Joy & Co. has grown from 12 makers to well over 130. We love what we do and the people we get to share the journey with.
We believe everyone is a maker and has things to say, things to create and things to learn. We're here to share the journey with our makers, whether they're novices or professionals.
Just off the Grand Marais harbor on 1st Avenue is Joy & Company an amazing collection and collective of art, makers and antiques. If you're looking for a gift, shop with us. Just walk though the #smalldoorbigstore where our mission is to bring joy to everyone who comes enters our store. Create. Connect. Collaborate.
Joy & Co. strives to honor the lives of Edie Gerhardt and Hanna Shanti who lived life well. They lived lives full of purpose and service and were taken far too soon. Edie’s last journal entry in 1995 talked about her deepening understanding that “Joy is a decision.” Our owner adopted that as a life motto and it has led to this growing community of creatives.